Article and Read and Write

To start off Stan Godlewski is a freelance photojournalist. The easy way  of silhouetting can be used to add glamour to photographs such as still life’s, vacation pictures and even family photographs. If you do it right he technique will inject excitement and drama into standard photographs. It was about Silhouettes and how they did Read More…

Cultural Identity Read+ Write

What is Cultural Photography? Cultural Photography According to the Article it says ,” Cultural anthropology is a branch of anthropology focused on the study of cultural variation among humans and is in contrast to social anthropology which perceives cultural variation as a subset of the anthropological constant.” and that ”A variety of methods are part Read More…

External Flash Worksheet

When would you use External Flash? – You can use external flash when you cast light from a far distance or by getting the right angle. Do you need to Meter the light when using flash? – Yes, you do because you need to know what your lights are doing . What does flash synchronization Read More…

Flash Comapare

These 2 pictures from the internet are both the same because The first one talk about The different kinds of flashes when taking a picture depending how soft the picture is . The difference is that in the first picture it shows the built in flash and the second one dose not. The first one Read More…