Cultural Identity Read+ Write

What is Cultural Photography? Cultural Photography

According to the Article it says ,” Cultural anthropology is a branch of anthropology focused on the study of cultural variation among humans and is in contrast to social anthropology which perceives cultural variation as a subset of the anthropological constant.” and that ”A variety of methods are part of anthropological methodology, including participant observation (often called fieldwork because it involves the anthropologist spending an extended period of time at the research location), interviews, and surveys”. Cultural Photography is not the right amount to being photographed in color . Cultural Photography is taking photos for the reason of telling about a people or a culture. The photos are in different ways that can be shot such as in portrait or black and white. In different cultures their are different ways of taking pictures and show their culture off by expressing their self in pictures.

In my opinion culture photography is family, music, food, clothing it’s something that represents you and your parents backstory of their culture witch makes us apart of it. For me culture photography is when I take a picture of something that represents me or something I can go to that is important for me . Such as my family I took pictures of them and they are my family their parents come from different places such as my dads parents my grandpa comes from Tijuana and my grandma grew up from Mexico. And my Moms parents are from LA so their American but my grandpa George that sadly passed away when I was in my mom’s stomach he was a little bit of Mexican and so was my grandma . So I am Mexican American, culture photography is very important to learn about because it tells you what it is , and things people used to take pictures and the reason why they took it.


Also some light on certain projects they took, gave a space for other photographers who share their. They get ideas that approaches tot there mind, without less things making differences in how they might express themselves. In witch in a way expressing their culture and things they do in it and what clothes, shoes, names, food, makeup, toys , dogs, and launguge they use . For example for Mexicans they speak Spanish so that’s apart oft heir culture for what they do.


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